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It depends on how thick you want the concrete.

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Q: How much concrete for 10ftx10ft square area?
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How much is 10ftx10ft in inches?

It is 120 times 120 = 14,400 square inches

Concrete costs per square foot?

how much does concrete cost per square foot

How much of an area will one cubic yard of three quarter rock cover at a depth of 2 inches?

If it is the same as concrete it will cover 162 square feet. concrete covers 81 square feet by 4" deep

How much concrete would it take to cover a 16x36x2inch deep area?

An 80lb bag of concrete you can at your local home improvement store covers about 4 square foot at 2" thick. So you would need about 144 bags of 80lb concrete.

How Much Does 20 Square meters Of Concrete Cost?

That is an area measurement, whereas concrete is measured in volume, typically cubic yards in the US. The costs vary widely based on local availiblity of materials and the type of concrete mix. The national average is about $100 for a cubic yard of concrete.

How much a square meter of concrete?

The cost of a square meter of concrete can vary depending on factors such as the type of concrete mix, local market conditions, and any additional labor or delivery costs. On average, the price can range from $75 to $150 per square meter. It is recommended to obtain quotes from local suppliers for an accurate estimate.

How much does 1600 square feet of concrete cost?

Depends where you are living.

How much does 1400 square feet of concrete cost?

Best thing to do is contact the concrete company directly, because the price will vary by different mixes, and delivery fees will vary by distance traveled. You also need to know the desired depth of the concrete. Concrete companies sell it by the cubic yard, which is calculated by area and depth.

How much does a square ft of concrete weight 4 in thick?

157 pounds

How much concrete do i need for 115 square feet?

It depends how thick you want it

How much mixed concrete for 10ftx10ft square 4 inch thick area?

10 x 10= 100, but divide by 3. 4 inches is one third of a foot. You need 33 and a third cubic feet of concrete. Mixed concrete is usually sold in cubic yards (3 ft x 3ft x3 ft- or 27 cu ft to a cubic yard) and you would need ABOUT 1.25 yards. If you want to mix your own by buying prepackaged concrete mix at the hardware store, you would need ABOUT 112 of the 40 pound bags, or ABOUT 56 of the 80 lb bags. See the link below for a handy calculator for home concrete. PS- sound like you might be pouring a patio or floor for a small shed. Be sure to use reinforcing wire mesh in the floor, or it may crack.

Concrete Sealer?

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