(1.76 Yards.)--12ftx12ft=144Sq ft-----4in=.33ft-------144sq ft x.33ft=47.52 cubic ft
there are 27 cubic ft in a cu yd---(3ft x3ft x3ft = 27 cu ft)
47.52/27 = 1.76
concrete is sold in cubic yards in the united states. I hope you are using a 1/4 inch diameter reinforce mesh. 1680 / 81 = 20.74 cubic yards without subtracting the mesh volume.
84 cubic inches!
It depends on how thick you want the concrete.
Volume of concrete needed = 4 x 12 x 1/3 = 4 x 4 = 16 cubic feet
Volume = 900 sqft * 1/12 ft = 75 cubic feet.
On average, concrete weighs about 12.5 pounds per square foot per inch thick. This can vary based on the type and density of the concrete mix.
14.81 yds
At least 28.5 cubic yards for a 6-inch depth.
For a 4-inch thick slab you will need at least 1.2 cubic yards.
625 times 0.5 = 312.5 cubic feet will be needed
To provide the same insulation value as 3.5 inches of fiberglass, a concrete wall would need to be approximately 15-18 inches thick. Concrete is a poor insulator compared to fiberglass, so a much thicker wall is needed to achieve similar insulation properties. Alternatively, adding insulation material within the concrete wall can help improve its insulating capabilities.
concrete is sold in cubic yards in the united states. I hope you are using a 1/4 inch diameter reinforce mesh. 1680 / 81 = 20.74 cubic yards without subtracting the mesh volume.
you can do the math: LXWXD DIVIDED BY 27
That depends on how deep (thick) you need it to be. You'll need 1 yard of concrete for every 3/4 inch of thickness of the pad.
Where are 12 inch concrete blocks applied?
how many cubic feet in a yard of concret