All three angles of the triangle add up to one-hundred-eighty degrees.
Assuming that what you call a "traingle" is actually a triangle, the formula is that one of the vertices has a measure of 90 degrees.
A measurement that can range from 1º to 179º
isosceles right angle traingle
360 degrees
Assuming that what you call a "traingle" is actually a triangle, the formula is that one of the vertices has a measure of 90 degrees.
The interior angles of any triangle (not traingle) always sum to 180 degrees. Whether or not it is equilateral (not eguilateral) is irrelevant.
180 degrees
A measurement that can range from 1º to 179º
isosceles right angle traingle
360 degrees
Traingle is an anagram of the following words:AlertingAlteringIntegralRelatingTriangle
180 degrees
90 degrees