The interior angles of any triangle (not traingle) always sum to 180 degrees. Whether or not it is equilateral (not eguilateral) is irrelevant.
right angle triangle
200 degrees Celsius is 392 degrees Fahrenheit.
360 degrees of a rotation of the minute hand.
The information was certainly known to Euclid.
180 degrees
Assuming that what you call a "traingle" is actually a triangle, the formula is that one of the vertices has a measure of 90 degrees.
Assuming that a traingle is meant to be a triangle, then the answer is none.
3... If its a traingle it has 3 angles where the sides meet.
isosceles right angle traingle
All three angles of the triangle add up to one-hundred-eighty degrees.
None.A triangle (not traingle) has 3 vertices (not vetices).
Traingle is an anagram of the following words:AlertingAlteringIntegralRelatingTriangle
In safety traingle what is the meaning of traingle? Why not it is square or any other shape ? Why traingle only?