The DC-10 will burn approximately 15000 pounds of fuel per hour at cruise, which is equal to 2143 gallons. Divide by 600 miles = 3.57 gallons per mile.
In many ways such as how much fuel do I need to carry to fly 300 miles. One of the most important things for a pilot to know is how much weight he has on the airplane and, since fuel is figured in weight instead of gallons on a airplane, he probably better know basic algebra and general mathmatics.
how much fuel is needed to travel 850 nautical miles going 25 knots in a 46 foot searay cruiser
The DC-10-40 has a range of 5800-5900nms,Êtherefore, 4300nm would be approximately 75% of its fuel capacity. I could not find any information on fuel capacity on
Their destinations were the West Coast so that the planes had a lot of fuel and the explosions would be bigger when they crashed.
Not enough information. You either need the amount of time or the amount of fuel.
it is a type of fuel
the airplane with the most fuel
In the aeroplane fuel storage compartment
With ninja airplane parts. Make sure to give it some ninja airplane fuel too.
When they put fuel in an airplane
oilcan fuel
It is ejected out the back to propel the airplane.
Yes,Airplanes can explode because their Fuel Tanks. The Fuel Tanks contain Fuel.
The load it can carry after fuel.
That depends on how big the aeroplane is.
Aviation fuel