It's a cube 10 km ... about six and a quarter miles ... on a side.
Approx 2.20*1010 km3 = 22 billion km3
45*20*20cm=180,000 mm318,000 cm31,800 dm3180 m318 Dm31.8 hm30.18 km3* * * * *18,000 cm3 is correct but all the other numbers are wrong.1 cm = 10 mm so 1 cm3 = 10 mm * 10 mm * 10 mm = 1000 mm3so the correct values are 18,000,000 mm3 or 0.018 m3.And 1.8*10-11 km3 , the correct answer is a billionth of the rubbish given in the prvious answer!
1.08321×1012 km3
49 with room to spare.The volume of the moon is about:2.1958 × 1010 km3The volume of earth is about:1.08321×1012 km31.08321 X 1012 km3 / 2.1958 × 1010 km3 =~ 49.3
1000 metres is i km.
45.000 km3
The total amount of global evaporation is 48800 km3
A cube is L x W x H where L=W=H. A km3 has L, W and H of 1 km. Each km is 1000 meters and each meter is 100 centimeters. Therefore 1 km is 1000 x 100 cm or 100,000 cm. This is L and W and H. L x W x H = 100,000 x 100,000 x 100,000 L x W x H = 1,000,000,000,000,000 cm3 1 km3 = 1,000,000,000,000,000 cm3 1 km3 = 1 x 1015 cm3
1 yd3 = 7.64555 * 10-10 km3
The volume of Pacific ocean is 660,000,000 Km3
17000 cubic metres per second = 17000*60*60 cubic metres per hour = 6.12*107 m3/hour = 6.12*107/(1000*1000*1000) cubic km per hour = 6.12 *10-2 km3/hour or 0.0612 km3/hour
It is -1.06032 *10^12
Approx 2.20*1010 km3 = 22 billion km3
There are 1000m in a km. Thus if we cube both numbers we get 1,000,000,000m3 in a km3. Therefore, to convert from km3 to m3 you have to multiply the number you have by 1,000,000,000.
123 m3 is 1.23 x 10-7 km3
Loch Ness holds 7.4 km3 (1.8 cu mi) of water.
Eath is 1,083,00 km3 , Mars is 163,140,000,000 km3