Since the exchange rate changes all the time, you better look this up in an online exchange rate calculator (for example, XE).
The Euro to British Pound Sterling rate changes on an almost daily basis. As of September 10, 2014, 45 Euros is equal to 36.09 GBP.
At the time of writing (14:25 on 15/11.2010) One pound sterling is worth €1.18
no in Britain we use the pound which is usually equal to around 1.25 euros but with the economic downturn it's probably less
No, 15 Euros = 12.7228244 British pounds 15 British pounds = 17.6847524 Euros
It depends of the exchange rate between Sterling and the Euro at the time of exchange.
It uses the Pound Sterling.
Nothing. Britain uses the Pound Sterling (GBP), not the Euro.
The exchange rate for Euros to Pound Sterling changes on a daily basis. As of July 5, 2014, 50 Euros is equal to 39.61 British Pound Sterling.
One British (sterling) pound = 1.16 Euros (9th Sept 2011). Note exchange rates change daily.
1 GBP = 1.12 Euros
1 pound sterling is worth about 1.19 Euros
4830 euros is 3893.27 British Pound Sterling
i don't no but 140 Swiss francs is 80 pounds sterling... xx
No. It uses the pound, also called sterling.
As at 11Sep09 EUR150 was worth GBP171.43
as of 11/19/09, 125.401 Euros
2362.17 Euros for 2000pound sterling as of today august5,2009, this of course changes every day, you can keep track by going to