> 1 cubic foot = 28.3168466 Liters > 16 ft x 32 ft x 4 ft = 2048 cubic foot > 2048/28.3168466 = 72.32443742517573 which is approximately 72 Liters Close, but you need to multiply cubic feet by 28.3168466 liters, not divide. 2048 cubit feet * 28.3168466 liters/cubic foot = 57882.90 liters.
feet and liters are 2 different measurements- feet are units of measurement and liters are units of capacity
1 * 3 * 3 CUBIC feet (not sq ft) = 9 cubic ft = 254.852 litres (to 3 dp).
360 litres
1 cu. ft. = 28.32 liters
260 HP 300 Ft/Lbs TQ
> 1 cubic foot = 28.3168466 Liters > 16 ft x 32 ft x 4 ft = 2048 cubic foot > 2048/28.3168466 = 72.32443742517573 which is approximately 72 Liters Close, but you need to multiply cubic feet by 28.3168466 liters, not divide. 2048 cubit feet * 28.3168466 liters/cubic foot = 57882.90 liters.
One cubic foot is about 28.316 liters.
1080 ft^3 598.44 gallons 2265.334 liters if its filled to the top
The problem is to convert cubic feet to liters. Starting with 1 cu ft = 28.3168 liters 2 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft tank volume = 2 cu ft capacity If tank is only half full that would be 1 cu ft of water which = 28.3168 liters
There are about 3035 liters of water in 100 cubic feet.
9,000,000,000 liters = 317,832,000 cubic feet.
feet and liters are 2 different measurements- feet are units of measurement and liters are units of capacity
1 * 3 * 3 CUBIC feet (not sq ft) = 9 cubic ft = 254.852 litres (to 3 dp).
360 litres