feet and liters are 2 different measurements- feet are units of measurement and liters are units of capacity
Liters IS volume - there is nothing to convert.
622.97 Liters
Convert 40% oxygen to liters
Convert 2500 ft into miles
> 1 cubic foot = 28.3168466 Liters > 16 ft x 32 ft x 4 ft = 2048 cubic foot > 2048/28.3168466 = 72.32443742517573 which is approximately 72 Liters Close, but you need to multiply cubic feet by 28.3168466 liters, not divide. 2048 cubit feet * 28.3168466 liters/cubic foot = 57882.90 liters.
The problem is to convert cubic feet to liters. Starting with 1 cu ft = 28.3168 liters 2 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft tank volume = 2 cu ft capacity If tank is only half full that would be 1 cu ft of water which = 28.3168 liters
To convert liters to fluid ounces: liters x 33.81 = fluid ounces
Liters IS volume - there is nothing to convert.
1 cu. ft. = 28.32 liters
To convert cubic meters to liters, you multiply by 1000.
First convert quart into liters (multiply by 1.1365), then convert liters into milliters (multiply by 568.26)
622.97 Liters
A hectoliter is equal to 100 liters so 42.9 hectoliters would convert to 4290 liters.
To convert hectoliters (hl) to liters, you multiply by 100 because there are 100 liters in a hectoliter. Therefore, 0.9 hl is equal to 90 liters.
Convert everything to the same unit, then add. (Either divide milliliters by 1000 to convert to liters, or multiply liters by 1000, to convert to milliliters.)
Convert 40% oxygen to liters
1 liters = 0.001 kiloliters