Liters IS volume - there is nothing to convert.
622.97 Liters
Convert 40% oxygen to liters
Convert 2500 ft into miles
> 1 cubic foot = 28.3168466 Liters > 16 ft x 32 ft x 4 ft = 2048 cubic foot > 2048/28.3168466 = 72.32443742517573 which is approximately 72 Liters Close, but you need to multiply cubic feet by 28.3168466 liters, not divide. 2048 cubit feet * 28.3168466 liters/cubic foot = 57882.90 liters.
The problem is to convert cubic feet to liters. Starting with 1 cu ft = 28.3168 liters 2 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft tank volume = 2 cu ft capacity If tank is only half full that would be 1 cu ft of water which = 28.3168 liters
To convert liters to fluid ounces: liters x 33.81 = fluid ounces
Liters IS volume - there is nothing to convert.
1 cu. ft. = 28.32 liters
To convert cubic meters to liters, you multiply by 1000.
First convert quart into liters (multiply by 1.1365), then convert liters into milliters (multiply by 568.26)
622.97 Liters
A hectoliter is equal to 100 liters so 42.9 hectoliters would convert to 4290 liters.
To convert hectoliters (hl) to liters, you multiply by 100 because there are 100 liters in a hectoliter. Therefore, 0.9 hl is equal to 90 liters.
You cannot convert a volume to an area. You can, however, convert liters to cubic meters, since both are volumes. There are 1000 liters in a cubic meter, so to convert to cubic meters divide by 1000 liters / cubic meter.
Convert everything to the same unit, then add. (Either divide milliliters by 1000 to convert to liters, or multiply liters by 1000, to convert to milliliters.)
Convert 40% oxygen to liters