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Q: How much is a Bernardelli Model 80 .380ACP 80 percent worth?
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model bse-e is worth between 400- 1100 depending upon condition more if in origanal box . i just sold a model b for475. 90 percent condion my bse-e i will get about680 for in 80 percent condition the revrend Gordon randall Hudson Florida

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what is it worth 95 percent plus condition yes

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It was made between 1965-74. In good condition it is worth between $35-$45.

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In 80% condition,your Remington model 700 classic is valued at 375 dollars.

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I have owned this rifle for years my wife bought it new for me in 1967 and gave 90.00 for it if anyone can tell me what its current worth is i would appreciat it i would guess its condition at 100 percent savage anschutz model 141 in 95% condition is worth 850.00 model 141m 95% condition is worth 950.00 i own one of each and had them appraised last year

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according to the blue book of gun values 26th add a model 42 grade 1 in 100 percent condition is worth 495.00 dollars. A grade 5 in 100 percent is worth 795.00 dollars. the blue book uses the nra method of valueing a gun. hope this helps .

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I have a marlin model 1894 in a 44 mag lever action rifle 80 percent condition made in 1979.what is it worth.?

I'll give you $350 shipped.