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Average retail value: $1.00-$3.00

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Q: How much is a US 1899 nickel worth?
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How much is a nickel worth in the US?

In the US, a nickel is worth 5 cents.

How much is a 1899 us silver dollar worth?

$10.00 to $40.00 depending on grade

How much is a nickel from 1809 worth?

The US nickel was first issued in 1866. Please re-examine your coin.

How much is a Canadian nickel made in 2004 worth in America?

Canadian coins aren't usable in the US. A Canadian nickel isn't worth anything in the US. IN Canada, the 2004 nickel is worth .05 cents. However, if you can sneak it into your change one day, you'll get .05 cents worth of stuff.

What is a 1899 US 10.00 gold coin in excellent condition worth?

However much people will pay you for it.

What is the value of 1940 1942 and 1944 US nickels?

It's the usual practice of this site to answer a single question at a time. Please see:"What is the value of a 1940 US nickel?""What is the value of a 1942 US nickel?""What is the value of a 1944 US nickel?"

How much value does a Us coins buffalo Indian nickel 1920?

a 1920 buffalo nickel is worth about 2.50 because it's not that rare

How much is a 1900 us nickel worth?

This is a common date Liberty Head nickel. Most have heavy wear with values of $1.00-$3.00.

How much is a 1758 nickel worth?

....No such coin exists. The US didn't even exist as a country in 1758, nor was nickel used in coinage much back in 1758.

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What is the value of an 1899 US nickel?

The Liberty Head "V" nickel of 1899 is worth $1.50 in Good condition up to $90.00 in Uncirculated condition. There were over 26 Million made that year.Answer1899 is not a rare date for Liberty Head Nickels. In average circulated condition, it's worth about a dollar. If all the letters in LIBERTY on the headband are readable, it's worth about $6. If the LIBERTY is strong and the other hair details are mostly visible, it will be worth $15-$25. A nice uncirculated coin is worth $70-$100 Note that the coin is a nickel rather than "nickle"The 1899 Liberty Head nickel is very common, most show heavy wear and are valued at $1.00-$5.00. Better grade coins can be $10.00 or more depending on condition.

What is the oldest nickel and how much is it worth?

The first US (five cent) nickel was struck in 1866 and is worth about $15-20 in worn condition and up to $150+ if in perfect uncirculated condition.