The Liberty nickel was not made in 1945. In 1945 there was a silver nickel and that is worth 25 cents.
It depends on the currency and the coin. In the US a penny is one cent, a nickel five cents, a dime ten cents, and a quarter twenty five cents.
Fifty cents
One dollar and five cents.
Five tenths is one half. Half of a dollar is fifty cents.
2 to 5 cents in circulated grades. This is not a rare coin.
five cents
Im not sure but i would take it to a dealer and i aswell have a coin without the five on it, though mine is not 1945, so i would be wondering aswell
A 2010 U.S. nickel is worth exactly five cents.
The postage rate in 1945 was 3 cents. It was raised from 2 cents in 1932. It went to 4 cents in 1958.
49 cents.
3 cents.
twenty five cents
41 Cents
5 cents
It's still worth five cents.
It's recorded that in 1945 a gallon of gas cost a whole 21 cents a gallon. Bread was only 9 cents a loaf.
.34 cents