It depends on the currency and the coin. In the US a penny is one cent, a nickel five cents, a dime ten cents, and a quarter twenty five cents.
The face value of a coin is however much money a coin can be spent as. A nickel's face value is 5 cents because it can only be spent as 5 cents.For example:The face value of a One Shilling coin is One Shilling.The face value of a One Dollar coin is One Dollar.The face value of any coin or bank note is what is written on it.
An average coin would be about a dollar in a coin shop, and 5 for a very good one.
its probably not worth much
yes,bucause i have one but i have no idea how much they are
If I understand the question, you have a Sacagawea dollar coin with no date on the obverse (front) of the coin and you think it should have a 2000 date on it? The coin was made after 2008. From 2009 to date, the year the coin was struck in is on the edge of the coin.
ship is much lighter than a coin
Centenary of what? What country, what coin, what year?
a one-yen coin: 2 yen
The bicentennial dollar coin is still worth one dollar.
The bicentennial dollar coin is still worth one dollar.
One cent.
Answer it!!
One dollar.
One schilling .
The one cent Euro coin is worth 0.6452 of an American cent.