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Q: How much is two litres of milk?
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How much is a gallon of milk in Australia?

About 16 billion litres

How much milk can a Holstein cow make?

5,000 Litres per year

How much is a liter and a half of milk?

1.5 litres is 3.307 US pints.

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Jerseys produce around an average of 20,000 to 30,000 litres of milk per year.

How much did milk cost in Australia 1987?

$2.05 for 2 litres. (I was delivering milk as a teenager in those days, and remembered the price)

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How many litres of milk is distributed in Mumbai How many litres of milk is distributed in Mumbai

How much water needs to be added to a 90 litre mixture of milk and water which is in the ratio of 2 to 1 to change the ratio to 1 to 2?

With a ratio of 2:1 there are 2 + 1 = 3 parts.Therefore 1 part of 90 litres is 90 litres ÷ 3 = 30 litres.Thus the mixture currently contains:2 parts milk → 2 × 30 litres = 60 litres of milk; and1 part water → 1 × 30 litres = 30 litres of water.The final mixture has 1 part milk to 2 parts water.This time the mixture contains 1 part of milk = 60 litres as calculated above (adding water does not change the volume of milk in the mixture, just the ratio of milk:water).Thus the amount of water in the final mixture is 2 parts = 2 × 60 litres = 120 litres.There is already 30 litres of water (as calculated above), so 120 litres - 30 litres = 90 litres of water needs to be added to the original mixture with a ratio of 2:1 to get the final mixture with a ratio of 1:2.90 litres of water needs to be added.

If you put two 1-pint containers of milk together how much milk do you have?

If you put two 1-pint containers of milk together how much milk do you have?

Why do UK supermarkets sell milk in 1.136 liter bottles when 1 liter makes much more sense?

In the UK, milk has traditionally been measured in UK Imperial pints. Current UK legislation insists that quantities are also converted into the metric system and printed on UK packaging to comply with European legislation. One Imperial pint equals .568 litres. Therefore, if you buy a two pint carton of milk, as well as stating that the contents contain two pints, it will also state that it contains 1.136 litres ie .568 litres x 2.

How do you measure the energy content of milk?

you measure it in litres