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If you have moved forward and backward, hence ending up at the same point you started, then displacement is zero. That's because Displacement takes into account the direction - hence a vector quantity.

The distance only bothers about the distance - hence it doesn't matter if you came to where you started. So in total, 5 meters up and 5 down is 10. Distance = 10

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Q: How much is your displacement and distance covered if you move 5 meters forward for 1 second and 5 meters back for another second?
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What is distance is the difference between?

Displacement is the distance from initial to ending point. Suppose you took 3 steps forward and then 2 steps back. Your displacement in 1 step forward. Distance is distance travelled in total. If you took 3 steps forward and 2 steps back, your distance travelled is 5 steps.

What is the difference between distance and displacen?

Displacement is the distance from initial to ending point. Suppose you took 3 steps forward and then 2 steps back. Your displacement in 1 step forward. Distance is distance travelled in total. If you took 3 steps forward and 2 steps back, your distance travelled is 5 steps.

What is your distance traveled and displacement if you walk 100 m forward and then 35 m backwards?

The distance traveled is 135 meters (100 m forward + 35 m backwards). However, the displacement is 65 meters forward (100 m - 35 m) since displacement is the shortest distance from the initial to the final position in a straight line.

Can you Determines your distance traveled and displacement if you want to hundred meters forward and then 35 m backwards?

The distance traveled would be 135 meters (100m forward + 35m backward). The displacement would be 65 meters forward (100m - 35m) as it measures the shortest distance from the initial point to the final point.

Determine distance traveled and displacement if you walk 100 m forward and then 35m backward?

The total distance traveled is 135 m (100 m forward + 35 m backward). The displacement is 65 m forward (100 m - 35 m), which is the straight-line distance from the starting point to the final position.

How much is the distance traveled and displacement if you walk 100m forward and then 35m backward?

The distance traveled is 135m (100m forward + 35m backward). The displacement is 65m forward (100m - 35m), as displacement is the difference between the final and initial positions regardless of the path taken.

Determine your distance traveled and displacement if you walk 100m forward and then 35m backward?

The distance traveled would be 135m (100m + 35m) since it's the total length of the path you walked. The displacement would be 65m forward because it's the difference between your final position and your initial position.

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The displacement would be 24 yards from the line of scrimmage. The distance traveled would be 56 yards.

Is it true that if motion starts and stops at the same location then the distance is zero?

Not necessarily. The distance traveled by an object depends on its displacement, which includes the direction of motion. If an object moves forward and then backward to return to the starting point, the distance traveled would be the total length of the path taken by the object.

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How does momentum affect Long Jump?

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