The Red-Tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis) can fly at up to 121 mph.
About 15 miles per hour.
50 miles
38 minutes
It depends on their build. If they are stockier and have smaller wings, they are meant for long walking distances and wouldn't fly much faster than twenty miles per hour. But if they are slender and have large wings, they could probably go up to a hundred miles per hour if they wanted to!
150 miles per hour
About 15 miles per hour.
Eagle fly 120km per hour.
approximately 55 miles per hour
200 miles per hour
Turkeys can fly, but not far. They usually fly from tree to tree or from the ground to perch on a limb. yes turkeys can fly. they fly 55 miles per hour.
20 miles
50 miles
60 miles an hour or about 96-97 miles an hour
it can fly up to 23 miles per hour