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Q: How much money would you have if you doubled 1 penny each day for 30 days?
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What is better getting 100000 at once or getting a penny whose sum is doubled everyday for 31 days?

Take the penny a day doubled every day. The sum would be almost 43,000,000.

What is the sum of one penny a day doubled for thirty one days?


If you have one penny and you doubled it for 365 days how much money would you have?

Assuming you did not add the pennies, but merely doubled the amount, on the 365th day, you would have 2364 pennies = about 3.76 x 10107 dollars, which is an implausibly large sum of money. The gross domestic product of the entire Earth is only about 80 to 90 x 1012 dollars. 10107 is trillions of times the total number of electrons in the universe. If you kept each group of pennies as you doubled, you would have (2365 - 1) pennies, or almost exactly twice as much money.

How much money would you get if you doubled 1p and kept doubling it for 24 days?

224, about 16.8 million p.

What is the equation for something x doubled then doubled Such as if I gave you one penny then every day after it I double what you had then gave it to you. For x amount of days.?

The amount is equal about .005e693x. More exactly (at least for the next 30 days), y = .005e69314718058x, where x = amount of days and y = amount you would receive on that day. Also, if you start with 2 pennies then the coefficient would change to .01.

What is the Formula for a penny doubled for 30 days?

The value in dollars will be $0.01 x 229 The number of pennies you will have is 229

If your allowance was a penny doubled every day how many days would it take you to reach 1000.00?

On the eleventh day you would have 1,024 pennies, but if you save up all your pennies, you will have 1,023 pennies after being paid on the tenth day

If you doubled a penny every day for 64 days how much money would that be?

If on the first day you have 1 penny, on the 64th day, you would have 263 pennies, or about $ 9.22 x 1016 dollars. On the US short scale, this is more than 92 quadrillion dollars (92,000 trillion dollars), which is more money than there is in the entire world. The total GDP of all the countries on Earth is only about 80 to 90 trillion dollars, about 1000 times less than your hoard of pennies.

If you started with 10 cent and doubled it everyday how much money would you have at the end of 30 days?

$107 374 182 (slightly more than a hundred million dollars)

If you doubled one penny for 100 days?

If you keep doubling the total, at the end of one day you'd have two cents. At the end of the first week, you'd have $1.28. At the end of 100 days, you'd be wealthy beyond your wildest dreams. If you keep doubling the same penny, at the end of 100 days you'd have a couple bucks.

If you are paid-ed 1 penny on day 1 and your pay is doubled each day how many days will it take before you make over 100.00 dollars in one day?

It will take about 13 days to make $163. After 30 days you'll have $10,737,418.24

How much money will you have at the end of the year if you add one penny each day for 365 days?

If you start with one penny on day 1, assuming it's not a leap year, you would end the year with $3.65