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The value in dollars will be

$0.01 x 229

The number of pennies you will have is


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What is doubled ear on 1984 penny mean?

The penny is a miss print and is worth 30-40 dollars

What does ten dollars doubled every 2 days for 30 days equal?


If you are paid-ed 1 penny on day 1 and your pay is doubled each day how many days will it take before you make over 100.00 dollars in one day?

It will take about 13 days to make $163. After 30 days you'll have $10,737,418.24

Is it true that if you start with one penny and doubled it every day for thirty days you would have 5368709.12?

Yes, if you count day 1 as the day you have one cent, then on day 30 you have 229 cents ($5,368, 709.12).If the first of the 30 days is the first day that you double it, then on Day 30 you will have 230 cents ($10,737,418.24).You use the formula: C=.01*(2)x where the value x is either 29 or 30Where C=the total cash for the given day (which you have in the formula as 30), the (2) is the growth formula (doubling every day), and 1 cent (.01) as your starting amount.This demonstrates the concept of exponential growth.

What is the equation for something x doubled then doubled Such as if I gave you one penny then every day after it I double what you had then gave it to you. For x amount of days.?

The amount is equal about .005e693x. More exactly (at least for the next 30 days), y = .005e69314718058x, where x = amount of days and y = amount you would receive on that day. Also, if you start with 2 pennies then the coefficient would change to .01.

What is 1 penny plus 1 penny for 30 days?

What does one dollar tripled every two days for 30 days equal?

10 dollars doubled for every two days for a month

How much is a 1995 penny worth?

The doubled die variety is worth $30-$50 in uncirculated condition. Any others are worth one cent.

What is the math equation to support this answer. a penny that doubles daily for 30 days?

The math equation to calculate the amount of money after 30 days with a penny doubling daily can be expressed as: Amount = 0.01 * (2^30) In this equation, "2^30" represents 2 raised to the power of 30 (i.e., doubling daily for 30 days). The result will give you the amount of money accumulated after 30 days.

How much a penny double for 30 days?

Assuming you're asking how many pennies you would have after 32 days... 4,294,967,296 !

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What is the formula that converts x days to y weeks?

y= x/7 for example x=30 days y=? then y=30/7=4 week and 2 days