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Q: How much per square inch does lead weigh more than steel?
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What weighs more a square inch of water or a square inch of lead?

A square inch of lead because lead is more dense

How much does a lead brick weigh?

A lead brick typically weighs around 28 pounds per square inch, depending on its dimensions and density.

How much does a foot of 6 inch standard pipe weigh?

Standard pipes can be made of copper, steel, lead, polyurethane, and other materials.It would depend on what the pipe is made of.It would also depend on the thickness of the walls of the pipe."Standard" is also ambiguous since different applications have different standards. A gas pipe is different than a sewage pipe or a fresh water pipe.

How much does one cubic inch of lead weigh in ounces?

One cubic inch of lead weighs around 0.41 to 0.44 ounces.

How how much does a 1 in. Cube weigh?

A 1 inch cube made of high-density material like steel or lead would weigh approximately 0.3 pounds (4.8 ounces). However, if the material is low-density like balsa wood or foam, it would weigh significantly less.

Which is bigger square inches or square feet?

You probably know that "foot" is bigger than "inch", and that might lead you to suspect that "square foot" is bigger than "square inch". You'd be right. 1 square foot has 144 square inches in it.

How much does one cubic inch of lead weigh?

The density of lead is 11.34g per cubic centimetre. As there are 16.387 cubic centimetres in one cubic inch, one cubic inch of lead weighs 11.34 X 16.387 or 185.83grams. In ounces this is 6.55 (or just over 6 and a half) ounces.

Which is the heaviest 1kg of lead or 1kg of polystyrene?

Neither. Since they both have a weight of 1kg one cannot be heavier than the other.

How much does1. 68 cubic inches of lead weigh?

lead density is 0.41 pounds/cubic inch 1.68 x 0.41 = 0.688 pounds

What if choke does not specify steel or lead shot?

use lead only steel chokes are specified on the choke as steel of lead shot

What does one square meter of lead weigh?

The question cannot be answered. A square metre is a measure of area not of volume. A block of lead, with an area of 1 square metre could be a few atoms thick or several metres thick. Their weights will differ considerably.

Which is the heaviest mild steel or lead?

Lead has a higher density than steel.