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The net output of useful work is (weight) times (gain in height) = 2,000 newton-meters = 2,000 joules.

The rate of doing the work, and adding to his gravitational potential energy,

is (2,000/40) = 50 joules per second = 50 watts.

He certainly had to generate and expend more power than that in order to accomplish the climb.

But most of the energy he expended went into heating his muscles and the rest of his body.

50 watts is the power that went into the useful part of hoisting his weight to a position of five

meters higher than where he started.

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Q: How much power is applied if a person weighing 400 newtons climbs a five meter pole in 40 seconds?
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Two people who weigh the same clim a flight of stairs in 30's while the second person climbs in 40's which person does more work?

The amount of work done by each person can be calculated by analyzing the amount of energy they each use to climb the stairs. Energy is related to work (force multiplied by distance) and can be measured in joules. The person who climbs the stairs in 30 seconds will have used more energy (and thus done more work) than the person who climbs the stairs in 40 seconds. This is because the person who climbs in 30 seconds had to exert more force to climb the stairs faster thus expending more energy in a shorter amount of time.The following factors will determine how much work each person did: The weight of each person The amount of stairs climbed The rate of ascent (how fast they climbed the stairs) The amount of energy usedAlthough the two people weigh the same the person who climbed the stairs in 30 seconds used more energy than the person who climbed in 40 seconds. This is because the person who climbed in 30 seconds had to exert more force in order to ascend the stairs faster. This force requires more energy to be used and thus the person who climbed in 30 seconds did more work.

A frog is at the bottom of a 3 foot well each hour it climbs up 3 feet and slips back 2 feet how many hours does it take the frog to get out?

It takes 2 hours to get a frog to get out of well. The first hour it climbs to the top and slips back two feet, then next hour it climbs up 2 feet and out 1 foot so it can't slip back.

What does the elevater do on a plane?

The elevator on a plane is a control surface located on the tail that is used to control the pitch or the up-and-down motion of the aircraft. By adjusting the elevator, the pilot can control the angle of the plane's nose and determine whether the plane climbs or descends.

If an aircraft climbs at a rate of 2500 feet per minute how long will it take the aircraft to reach an altitude of 6 miles?

There are 5,280 feet in a mile, and 6 miles is 6 x 5,280 feet, or 31,680 feet. To climb 31,680 feet at a rate of 2,500 feet per minute takes 31,680 feet divided by 2,500 feet per minute or about 12.67 minutes, or a tad more than 12 minutes and 40 seconds.

Bruce has a pet worm that fell into a well The well is 37 feet deep Each day the worm climbs up 7 feet but each night it slides back down 2 feet How many days will it take for Bruce's worm to ge?

7 days. each 24 hrs he achieves 7-2=5ft, so in 6 days he has climbed 30ft on the 7th day he climbs the last 7ft and is out and doesn't therefore slide back 2ft

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The amount of work done by each person can be calculated by analyzing the amount of energy they each use to climb the stairs. Energy is related to work (force multiplied by distance) and can be measured in joules. The person who climbs the stairs in 30 seconds will have used more energy (and thus done more work) than the person who climbs the stairs in 40 seconds. This is because the person who climbs in 30 seconds had to exert more force to climb the stairs faster thus expending more energy in a shorter amount of time.The following factors will determine how much work each person did: The weight of each person The amount of stairs climbed The rate of ascent (how fast they climbed the stairs) The amount of energy usedAlthough the two people weigh the same the person who climbed the stairs in 30 seconds used more energy than the person who climbed in 40 seconds. This is because the person who climbed in 30 seconds had to exert more force in order to ascend the stairs faster. This force requires more energy to be used and thus the person who climbed in 30 seconds did more work.

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