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The amount of work done by each person can be calculated by analyzing the amount of energy they each use to climb the stairs. Energy is related to work (force multiplied by distance) and can be measured in joules. The person who climbs the stairs in 30 seconds will have used more energy (and thus done more work) than the person who climbs the stairs in 40 seconds. This is because the person who climbs in 30 seconds had to exert more force to climb the stairs faster thus expending more energy in a shorter amount of time.

The following factors will determine how much work each person did:

  • The weight of each person
  • The amount of stairs climbed
  • The rate of ascent (how fast they climbed the stairs)
  • The amount of energy used

Although the two people weigh the same the person who climbed the stairs in 30 seconds used more energy than the person who climbed in 40 seconds. This is because the person who climbed in 30 seconds had to exert more force in order to ascend the stairs faster. This force requires more energy to be used and thus the person who climbed in 30 seconds did more work.

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Elmer Russel

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Q: Two people who weigh the same clim a flight of stairs in 30's while the second person climbs in 40's which person does more work?
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