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Q: How much power is expended if you lift a 10 N rock 8 meters in 1 second?
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What power is expended of 100 N box is lifted the distance 2 meters in 1.0 Sec?

The power expended to lift the 100 N box a distance of 2 meters in 1.0 second is 200 Watts. This is calculated by multiplying the force of 100 N by the distance of 2 meters divided by the time of 1.0 second.

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The power during the lift is (weight of the barbell in Newtons)/4.4 watts.Note:Power is not "expended". Energy is. Power is the rate at which energy is expended.

How much power is needed to lift the 200 newton to a height of 4 meter in 4 second?

200 newton-meters per second = 200 watts.

How much power is needed to lift the 200-n object to a height of 4m in 4 seconds?

Power = (energy) / (time) =(200 newtons x 4 meters) / (4 seconds) =200 newton-meters per second = 200 watts

How much power is expended if you lift a 100 newton rock 5 meters in 2 seconds?

The work done by applying a force in the same direction of motion is force times distance. So in this case W = F x d = 250 x 15 = 3750 J. Power is work divided by time: P = 3750 J / 10 s = 375 J/s

How much power would be required to lift a 10-N box 2 meters?

The work done to lift the box is equal to the force applied multiplied by the distance moved, which is 20 joules in this case (10 N * 2 m). Power is the rate at which work is done, so if the box is lifted in 1 second, the power required would be 20 watts (20 joules / 1 second).

How much power is used if the 950 N person lifted 3 meters?

To lift a 950-N load 3 meters requires (950 x 3) = 2,850 joules of energy.The power is the rate at which the energy is delivered. It takes more powerto lift the load faster.The power used to lift this load is (2,850 joules) divided by (the number of seconds it takes),and the unit of the answer is watts.

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If 2 horse power is being used to lift 150 kg load what is the greatest speed at which the load can be lifted with his motor?

To find the greatest speed at which the load can be lifted, we need to calculate the work being done. Work = power x time. The time taken to lift the load will vary depending on how the power is being used, so it's not possible to determine the exact speed without more information.

A forklift picks up a crate using 400 N It moves the crate 20 meters in 50 seconds How much power is used?

From the question, it's hard to tell whether the 20 meters is the vertical lift, or a horizontal transfer that occurs after the lift.If the 20 meters is the vertical lift (performed by a very large fork-lift in a shop with a very high ceiling):Energy = work = 400 N times 20 m = 8,000 Newton-meters = 8,000 joules8,000 joules in 50 seconds = 8,000 / 50 = 160 joules per second = 160 watts = about 0.214 horsepower.If the 20 meters is a horizontal ride after the lift is complete, then that part of the move consumes nominally no energy or power. No force is required to move an object perpendicular to the force of gravity. Whatever force is applied initially, to get the crate moving, is returned at the end of the 20 meters, when reverse force must be applied to the crate in order to make it stop moving.

If it takes 3400J to lift a rock onto a ledge what power is required to lift the rock onto the ledge in 4 seconds?

The power required to lift the rock onto the ledge can be calculated as work done divided by time. In this case, it is 3400J / 4s = 850 watts. Therefore, 850 watts of power is required to lift the rock onto the ledge in 4 seconds.

How many watts of energy does it take to lift 1000 pounds ten feet?

To lift 1000 pounds (454 kg) 10 feet (3.048 m) against the force of gravity, you would need to do 147,320 Joules of work. One watt is equal to one joule per second, so it would take 147,320 watts of power to do this work in one second.