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Q: How much pressure is exerted on a desk which measures 24 inches deep and 30 inches long by the air column pushing with a weight of 1000 newtons?
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What is The force pushing on a surface divided by the area of that suface?

Pressure. (Note that the force must be perpendicular to the surface.) Pressure can my measured in Pascals (N/m2), psi (pounds/in2), atmospheres, or a few other units.

How does the upward force lift the airplane?

Lift: is also known as the upwards force. It helps to keep an airplane, aircraft, hovercraft, bird, etc. in the air by pushing it upwards. The wings of a bird or airplane are huge factors in how great the force of lift is. This is because the top of the wing is curved and the bottom is flat. When the air is traveling on top of the wing it goes faster creating a low pressure. When the air passes under the wing, it goes slower creating a high pressure thus pushing the object upwards.

Real world examples of mechanical force?

-- pistons pushing a drive shaft around-- drive shaft pushing wheels around-- tire treads pushing against the ground-- pushing bicycle pedals-- shoe-soles pushing back against the ground-- seat of a chair pushing up against one's butt-- twisting a door-knob-- pushing the button of a pen down to extend the point-- rotating the spoon to mix the coffee in the cup-- closing the jaw to shred the bite of meat-- rotating the wrench to tighten the nut-- squeezing the handles together to crack the nut-- pushing the key down to type the character-- pushing the mouse finger down to make the click-- pushing the DTMF button down to 'dial' the number-- lifting the flat part of the buckle to release the seat belt-- pulling the rope to raise the flag-- lifting the shovel to move the snow-- pulling the string to untie the shoe-- pushing the mower to move to another patch of grassThere are probably a few more.

What are two differences between force and pressure?

A force is an application of energy that tries to make something change its motion. A good example of this is when you put a ball on a level floor and give it a push. The push applies a force to the ball, which then changes from not moving to rolling across the floor. To stop the ball, you would apply a force in the opposite direction and make it come to rest. Sometimes a force doesn't make something move because it's exactly matched by an opposite force. When you sit on a chair, your weight is a force acting on the chair: the chair pushes back just as hard onto you, so you don't fall through the chair. The two forces (your weight and the chair's pushing back) balance out.The units of force are pounds (in the US) or Newtons (in the Metric system) Pressure is a force spread out over an area that it acts upon. For example, lets say I was walking along and I stepped onto a one-inch square piece of brick on the sidewalk. I weigh around 175 pounds, so my body would apply a 175 pound force to that piece of brick. The sidewalk would also feel that force transmitted through the piece of brick, spread out over the one square inch of surface the brick has in contact with the sidewalk. The pressure is the force divided by the area it acts on (P = Force/Area), so in this case the pressure applied to the sidewalk is 175 pounds per square inch. If that piece of brick were 5 inches square, its area would be 25 square inches: the pressure applied to the sidewalk would be 175 pounds/25 square inches = 7 pounds per square inch. The same force is acting on the sidewalk: it's just spread out over more brick surface. Pressures can have units of pounds per square inch, or Newtons per square meter (called Pascals). Liquids also have pressure which depend on their weight, how closely packed their molecules are, and their temperature. This pressure is caused by the molecules of the liquid bouncing agains a surface they're in contact with - like the inside of a jar, or the inner surface of an eye. If a liquid has a pressure of one pound per square inch, every square inch of surface it presses against has one pound of force spread over it. The total amount of force the pressure exerts on the surface is found by multiplying the pressure by the area of the surface it is pushing on (F = Pressure x Area). The one pound per square inch from before pushing on ten square inches of surface adds up to a total force of ten pounds trying to push whatever the surface is attached to. So, a force is essentially a push, and pressure is a push spread out over a surface.

Why do toy cars go faster on inclined planes?

Because you are pushing your force to it(with your hand) while a plane its got nothing pushing it exept for gas

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A boy pushing forward on a crate with a force of 100 newtons the reaction force is?

The reaction force is 100 newtons exerted by the crate on the boy in the opposite direction (Newton's third law).

If you know the amount of air pressure exerted on a tabletop how can you calculate the force exerted on the tabletop?

You can calculate the force exerted by multiplying the pressure by the area over which the pressure is applied. The formula for calculating force is Force = Pressure x Area. This will give you the amount of force pushing down on the tabletop due to the air pressure.

What direction of pressure in a fluid where is exerted?

Pressure in a fluid is exerted in all directions. This is due to the fluid molecules pushing against each other and the surfaces of the container. The pressure at any point is equal in all directions within the fluid.

Is air pressure a noun?

Yes, air pressure is a noun. It refers to the force exerted by the weight of air in the Earth's atmosphere.

Use this formula to compute the pressure of air pushing down with force of 25 newtons over an area of 5 meters?


What is the push of air called?

The pushing force of air is called air pressure.:)

The measure of force with which the air molecules are pushing on a surface?

This is referred to as air pressure. It is caused by the weight of the air above pressing down on the surface below, leading to the force exerted by the air molecules.

What is the force exerted by the weight of the air is called what?

The force exerted by the weight of the air is called atmospheric pressure. It results from the weight of the air above pushing down on the air below, creating a pressure gradient that affects weather patterns and influences the movement of air masses.

You are the force of air molecules pushing on an area what are you called?

I am called air pressure. It is the force exerted by the air molecules in the atmosphere on a given area.

Which instrument measures a pulling or pushing force?

A force gauge or tension scale is an instrument used to measure pulling or pushing forces. It typically consists of a spring mechanism that deflects proportionally to the applied force, allowing for quantification of the force exerted.

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Explain hydrostatic pressure?

Hydrostatic pressure is the pressure exerted on a fluid at rest due to the weight of the fluid above it. It is directly proportional to the depth of the fluid and the density of the fluid. In a column of fluid, the pressure increases with increasing depth due to the weight of the fluid above pushing down.