

Best Answer

-- pistons pushing a drive shaft around
-- drive shaft pushing wheels around
-- tire treads pushing against the ground
-- pushing bicycle pedals
-- shoe-soles pushing back against the ground
-- seat of a chair pushing up against one's butt
-- twisting a door-knob
-- pushing the button of a pen down to extend the point
-- rotating the spoon to mix the coffee in the cup
-- closing the jaw to shred the bite of meat
-- rotating the wrench to tighten the nut
-- squeezing the handles together to crack the nut
-- pushing the key down to type the character
-- pushing the mouse finger down to make the click
-- pushing the DTMF button down to 'dial' the number
-- lifting the flat part of the buckle to release the seat belt
-- pulling the rope to raise the flag
-- lifting the shovel to move the snow
-- pulling the string to untie the shoe
-- pushing the mower to move to another patch of grass

There are probably a few more.

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Q: Real world examples of mechanical force?
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Why do you multiply to find the total mechanical advantage?

The "Ideal Mechanical Advantage" of a simple machine isIMA = output force /input force . To find the 'actual' or real-world mechanical advantage,multiply the IMA by the machine's efficiency.

What is the advantages of a spring?

the spring does not have a mechanical adavantage because the amout of force you put in to it is the amoot of force that the spring provides. The real mechanical is that you can time when the force is provided

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What is the mechanical advantage of a spring?

The mechanical advantage of a spring is the ratio of the force exerted by the spring to the force applied to compress or stretch it. This ratio helps determine how much the spring can amplify or reduce applied forces in a mechanical system.

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What is the difference between real mechanical advantage and speed ratio?

Real mechanical advantage is the ratio of output force to input force in a mechanical system, taking into account losses due to friction and other inefficiencies. Speed ratio, on the other hand, is the ratio of the speed of the output gear to the speed of the input gear in a gear system. Speed ratio does not take into account efficiency losses like real mechanical advantage does.

Why is the actual mechanical advantage of a machine different for a machines ideal mechanical advantage?

The actual mechanical advantage of a machine is usually less than its ideal mechanical advantage due to factors like friction, energy loss, and imperfections within the machine. These losses reduce the efficiency of the machine in transferring input force to the output force. Ideal mechanical advantage is based on the design and geometry of the machine, while actual mechanical advantage accounts for real-world limitations and performance.

What applies to a real machine?

A real machine is a physical device that performs mechanical tasks in the physical world. It operates based on principles of physics and mechanics to convert inputs into outputs. Examples include cars, washing machines, and computers.

What force is not considered when calculating the ideal mechanical advantage?

Friction is not typically considered when calculating the ideal mechanical advantage. The ideal mechanical advantage assumes no energy losses due to friction, but in real-world applications, friction can reduce the efficiency of a machine.

What are some real life examples or torsion force?

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

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Roads are an example of intersecting lines in the real world.

What is the difference between actual and ideal mechanical advantage?

the equation of mechanical advantage isFout (force, output)divided byFin (force input)the equation for Ideal mechanical advantage isDin (distance, input)divided byDout (distance, output)hope this helps a bit