you should eat at least 2000 calories!
Eat about as much as an average calf would. Or the average sea lion, supposedly its the same amount.
The average American eats about 12 pounds of chocolate per year. This is half of what Switzerland residents eat, which is about 24 pounds per year.
Everyone weighs differently depending on our height and if we're active or not. Although they should weigh about 80 pounds to 105 pounds. I'm very unactive and I eat a lot of unhealthy foods and I'm 68 pounds. I'm 12, but when I was 11 I weighed 64 pounds. A lot of the kids in my class (even the ones that aren't "fat" or obese) are 100 + and were last year.
I think this question is perhaps in the wrong category. Besides, what species of 8 year old?
you should eat as health as you can and exercise daily Jordyan: Breakfast: Cereal and Apples Lunch:Sandwich and A Nutrition Drink Dinner:Course Meal and Salad And Water or Milk Dessert: Ice cream, Popcorn, Cookies Thats what i Eat everyday!(:
a boy on average should eat around 2200 kilojoules a day. a girl on average should eat around 2100 kilojoules a day. on average a 13 year old should eat 2150 kilojoules a day.
as much as u can
It depends on the height and weight of the girl. But an average 13 year old girl should get between 1,500 to 2,500 calories a day.
An 8 year old should eat on average 3,431 calories a day.
16 .2 lbs
I dont know why don't you check?
a lot dudeson
proberly about an average of 60,000 hambergers a day
on average a teenager should eat about 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day.
Diet depends on height, weight and activity. For an 11-year-old girl, around 2100 calories is a good average consumption.