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1 cubic yard or 27 cubic feet of soil. To get the answer, multiply 3 X 3 X 3 = 27

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Q: How much soil is there in a hole measuring 3 feet by 3 feet by 3 feet?
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How much soil is there in a hole measuring 1m x 2m x 2m?

There is no soil, it's a hole.

What is the total weight of soil in a hole measuring 14 feet x 22 feet x 3 feet?

Zero. This is a trick question. If there was dirt there, it wouldn't be a hole.

How much soil is there in a hole measuring 1 ft by 1 ft by 1 ft?

there isn't any soil, a hole is a hole. if it had soil in it, it wouldn't be a hole would it.

How much soil is there in a 2 x 2 x 4 hole?

This depends on what units those 2s and the 4 are.If they are feet then there is 0 cubic feet of soil in it.If they are metres then there is 0 cubic metres of soil in it.A hole as no soil in it.What was taken out of the hole is 16 cubic units of soil.

How much soil in a hole measuring 2 inches by 2 inches by 4 inches?

None but the cubic capacity of the hole is 16 cubic inches

How much soil is there in a hole measuring one meter by one meter by one meter?

The volume = 6 x 2 x 1 = 12 cubic meters Actually there is no dirt in a hole.

How much soil is there in 2' by 2' by 4' hole?

To find the volume of the hole, multiply the dimensions: 2 * 2 * 4 = 16 cubic feet. The amount of soil required will be approximately 16 cubic feet if the hole is filled to the top.

How many cubic feet of soil are in a hole that measures 12 feet by 7.5 feet by 2 feet?

it may be a trick question because if it is a hole there is no soil in it otherwise 12 x 7.5 x 2 = 180 cu ft

What is the difference between a yard of soil and a cubic yard of soil?

A yard of soil typically refers to a volume of soil measuring 1 yard in length, 1 yard in width, and 1 yard in depth. A cubic yard of soil, on the other hand, refers to a volume of soil measuring 3 feet in length, 3 feet in width, and 3 feet in depth. In essence, a yard of soil is a specific measurement, while a cubic yard is a standardized unit of volume.

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I really don't get this

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

The depth of the rabbit hole is a reference from the movie "The Matrix," meaning going deeper into complex or hidden truths. It symbolizes exploring unknown or difficult concepts indefinitely.

How much would 2 cubic feet of soil weigh?

The weight of 2 cubic feet of soil can vary depending on the type of soil, but on average, it could weigh around 100-130 pounds.