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Well. It depends if your sexually active. If you don't have a partner, then there's a possibility that you don't make out much. If you DO have a partner, then there's the possibility that you spend some of your time kissing.


I don't know if any statistics have ever been compiled on this exact thing. If there has been, I do believe that the percent of a person's lifetime spent kissing would actually be quite low. With only a few exceptions, most people don't have an available partner for a great many years of their life. Even those that do have a long term partner, the majority of their time is usually spent sleeping, working or going to school, tending to their hygiene, tending to their household chores, tending to their personal business (shopping, paying bills, doctor appointments, etc.), with only a few minutes to an hour or so spent actually kissing. The general population, taken on an overall basis, including those who have had not partner(s), those that have had a few partners, those that have had short term partners, and those who have had long term partners, the percentage of time spent kissing would likely be less than 1% of the time.

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