3ft x 3ft x 1ft = 9 cubic feet of dirt will be needed.
None. It is a hole and therefore contains nothing.
There is 25.4mm per inch or 304.8mm per foot. Which is the same as 0.0254m per inch and 0.3048m per foot. 3ft = 0.9144m 41in = 1.0414m 3ft 41in = 1.9558m
it is about 46 inches
3ft x 3ft x 1ft = 9 cubic feet of dirt will be needed.
If we are talking about railways, Narrow Gauge is any distance between the rails smaller than 'Standard Gauge' which is 4ft 8.5ins. Some common narrow gauges are 3ft 6ins, 3ft, 2ft, 1ft 10ins.
None. It is a hole and therefore contains nothing.
3ftx3ftx3ft you have to know how thick your slab is going to be if your slab is 3in it takes 4-3ft x 3ft to equal 1/3 of a cu yard so 12 3ft x 3ft squares will take a cubic yard to fill
10 ft x 10 ft x 12"(1 ft) = 100 cubic feet or 4 cubic yards (3ft x 3ft x 3ft = 27 cu ft or 1 cu yd))
None. All the dirt is removed to make the hole!
72 cu yd needed
The answer will depend on how thick you want the coverage to be. If you want: 1. Two Inches = 18 square yards 2. Three Inches = 12 Square yards 3. Four Inches = 9 square yards See the pattern here? If the dirt was a Cube of 3ft x 3ft x 3ft, then you divide 36" by the thickness of coverage in inches. The answer is the number of Square Yards of coverage.
There is 25.4mm per inch or 304.8mm per foot. Which is the same as 0.0254m per inch and 0.3048m per foot. 3ft = 0.9144m 41in = 1.0414m 3ft 41in = 1.9558m
it is about 46 inches