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Q: How much variance has been explained by a correlation of .9?
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How much variance has been explained by a Pearson correlation of 0.9?


What does the term correlation analysis mean?

Correlation analysis is the relationship of two values. When two items are similar, they will have a high correlation. Should they differ, they will be much lower in variables.

Why is variance important when using statistics?

Variance is basically the raw material of statistics. If you don't have variance (differences in scores) you don't have much to work with or for that matter you don't have much to talk or think about. Consider a test where everyone gets the same score. What does that tell you? You might have some measurement problem, wherein the test is so easy everyone aces it. Still it might be so hard that everyone gets a zero. Now consider two tests. On each everyone gets the same score. That is on test one everyone gets a 15 and on the second test everyone gets a 10. That isn't telling you much is it? Now these are extreme cases, but in general, more variance is better and less variance isn't so good.

Would one expect more variance with a larger sample size in a chi distribution?

The larger your sample size, the less variance there will be. For instance, your information is going to be much more substantial if you took 1000 samples over 10 samples.

Why do you square the deviations to get the variance and then take the reverse action of taking the square root of the variance to return the variance to sigma?

because of two things- a) both positive and negative deviations mean something about the general variability of the data to the analyst, if you added them they'd cancel out, but squaring them results in positive numbers that add up. b) a few larger deviations are much more significant than the many little ones, and squaring them gives them more weight. Sigma, the square root of the variance, is a good pointer to how far away from the mean you are likely to be if you choose a datum at random. the probability of being such a number of sigmas away is easily looked up.

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How much variance has been explained by a Pearson correlation of 0.9?


It is best to isolate the material quantity variance when the materials are purchased?

false- it is best to isolate them once you know how much of the material has been used. If you don't know how much is used, you can't get a variance to evaluate efficiency of how materials were used.

What does the term correlation analysis mean?

Correlation analysis is the relationship of two values. When two items are similar, they will have a high correlation. Should they differ, they will be much lower in variables.

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Is 4264 a positive correlation?

No, it is an integer number. Correlations happen among various different things. A non-zero correlation means that the things interact or depend on each other. A zero correlation means they don't. Examples: There is a positive correlation between how much you eat and how much you weigh. There is a zero correlation between the color of your car and its gas mileage. There is a positive correlation between how far the volume control is turned up and the sound pressure level that you hear. There is a negative correlation between the air temperature and the sales of sweaters.

What is the difference between a sales volume variance and a sales price variance?

Volume is a change in how many products you sell Price is a change in how much you charge for the product

Value of the sample correlation coefficient calculator?

It will be invaluable if (when) you need to calculate sample correlation coefficient, but otherwise, it has pretty much no value.

How much is the budget of the Philippines for 2008?

The budget for it in 2008 has been explained in the below link click it to see the results /Download/file/YWY0Nzg4ODIt

What is the significance of variance in statistics?

Variance is a measure of "relative to the mean, how far away does the other data fall" - it is a measure of dispersion. A high variance would indicate that your data is very much spread out over a large area (random), whereas a low variance would indicate that all your data is very similar.Standard deviation (the square root of the variance) is a measure of "on average, how far away does the data fall from the mean". It can be interpreted in a similar way to the variance, but since it is square rooted, it is less susceptible to outliers.

How much horsepower is 190cc?

Engine size is not a direct correlation to the horsepower.

What is considered a strong correlation?

"Strong" is very much a subjective term. Not only that, but it depends on expectations. In economics I would consider 70% to be a strong correlation, but for physics I would want more than 95% before I called the correlation strong!

What does it mean if two variables have a negative correlation?

A positive correlation between two variables, say X and Y, means that if one increases, the other will too. No correlation means that they are not related. A negative correlation means that as one increases, the other decreases. Normally you will see this in studies as "Recent studies demonstrated a positive correlation between eating too much and obesity." Or, "recent studies demonstrate a negative correlation between a healthy, balanced diet and obesity".