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Q: How much water can a normal sized bucket carry?
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How do you fill the bucket with water on moshi monsters?

You have to carry the bucket to the pond.

How many buckets of water cow take to fill a bath?

Cows can not carry bucket of water,

How do you carry the water to the big tree on moshi monsters?

You'll need a bucket for this.

How did colonial farmers water their crops?

by waiting for rain or walking to lakes or streams so they can carry water in a bucket.

If you put a five pound fish in a gallon of water does the water now weigh fifteen pounds?

A gallon of water weighs about 8.34 pounds. If you have a good sized bucket with a gallon of water in it and you put a 5-pound fish in the bucket, you'll have a bucket that weighs about 13.34 pounds (plus the weight of the bucket). That's as long as the bucket doesn't overflow. The fish will (usually) be neutrally bouyant in the water, and it will be essentially weightless in that water. But its weight will add to that of the water in the bucket. No, it won't weigh 15 pounds, but it will weigh in as suggested. However, the weight of the water itself will not change.

Which spills more easily when you carry it in a bucket - sand or water?

Water will spill more easily, as sand is a solid it will not move around much when in a bucket, with water it will want to move all over the place.

Moving water as shallow as inches can carry away a standard sized vehicle?


What water Carry medium-sized objects?

Rivers and streams can carry medium-sized objects like rocks, logs, or branches due to the force of the flowing water. These objects can be transported downstream by the current until they get stuck or reach a calmer body of water.

How can you tell if your water level dropping is normal or a leak?

Fill a bucket with water, then mark the water level on the bucket with a waterproof marker. Set the bucket next to the pool. Next, mark the water level of the pool. After a couple of days, check the marks on the bucket and the pool. They should measure the same (having lost the same amount of water due to evaporation). If the pool level has dropped more than the level of water in the bucket, you have a leak somewhere. (By the way, make sure your dog hasn't drank out of the bucket, or pool!)

How do you ground a bucket of water?

poo in it how do you ground a bucket of water

How do you spell por a bucket of water?

Pour a bucket of water.

How do you get a bucket of water on runescape?

get a bucket, go to a fountain or an other water spot, click on use bucket and click on the water.