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Not enough information is given. We are only given two of the board's dimensions, and you haven't specified which dimensions those are. Presumably you mean thickness and width.

Even with that, we would still need to know ~at least~ the length of the board and what material it is (pine? maple? something else altogether?). Even then, the answer could only be a very rough one, as there are many other factors that would need to be specified or guessed (the moisture of the wood, the positioning of the weight on the board, how the board is supported, the temperature, and so on).

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Q: How much weight does it take to break a 2 x 6 board?
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Can you bring a long board on a plane?

yes you can take a long board on a plane.

How do you weigh an elephant without using a scale?

Let Me Count the WeighsOur users give some suggestions:I would take an educated guess: Let's assume that the elephant has a similar chemical makeup to humans (70% of the body mass is water). Submerge the elephant in a tank of water to see how much water it displaces. Look up the mass-weight conversion for water. Multiply that by .70 and the volume displaced. The other 30% is presumeably organic material subject to the same laws of nature as we are. Research the mass constants for this material - bone, flesh, fat, and muscle. Use weighted coeficients available and referencing the species to estimate the weight of the remaining 30%.You could try constructing a primitive scale: Place a sturdy board over a fulcrum, so that it balances. Then put what you want to weigh on one end of the fulcrum and slowly add weight to the other side (use things you do know the weight of, or you'll end up back where you started). Once the board is balanced on the fulcrum again, you know that both sides equal roughly the same amount of weight (the weights' relative location on the board might cause some error, but not too much to worry about). For an elephant, you'll need a board large enough to fit the elephant on one half of it, and sturdy enough to not warp or break under the weight. You'll also want a fulcrum large enough to span the width of the board, to increase stability. I'd recommend getting some friends who are comfortable with sharing their own weights to be the counterbalance, if that's not enough then find some heavy machinery that has its weight listed on it and try using that.

How do you calculatet tare weight?

Take gross weight or loaded weight and subtract the empty weight to get the tare weight.

How do you break words?

You break words into syllables. Take the word impossible, for instance:

How much fuel will take a truck in 100 klmtrs?

Impossible to answer ! That would depend on the weight of the truck, road conditions, weather, engine efficiency... etc.

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How much force does it take to break a board?

force is not a think it is only in star wars

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The force required to break a 2 by 4 foam board will depend on the specific type of foam and its thickness. Generally, foam boards are designed to be lightweight and easy to break, so it may not require a significant amount of force. However, it would be difficult to provide an exact measurement without knowing the specific material properties of the foam board.

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The weight needed to break ice depends on its thickness and strength. Generally, a person walking on ice may require about 1 inch of ice to support their weight, while a vehicle may need at least 7 inches. Smaller weights like a bird or squirrel may only need a thin layer of ice to break through.

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