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Around 35,000 dollars

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Q: How much will it cost a new roof with 1100 sq ft of roof with 3 layers?
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My home is 1100 square feet what is the roof's square footage?

You cannot calculate the square footage of a house roof like this (unless you have a flat roof). The simplest way would be to go up on your roof and measure its different surfaces, however if you dont want to do that, you would need to know several differen things to calculate the surface area -- such as the pitch and angel -- how much hangover you have. Basically you should save yourself time and go up on your roof and measure it

If you have a 1500 sq ft home and there is 1 ft of snow on the roof how much weight is on the roof?

You need to know how much a cubic foot of snow weighs. It depends on the sort of snow. There is 1500 cu ft of snow on the roof.

How much does a roof cost 1520 sq feet?

The cost varies tremendously depending on whether it will be wood shake, asphalt shingle, architectural shingle. Is it pitched or flat? Is a tearoff required? Are you in a high labor cost area like New York or California? Are you in a severe weather or high heat area? Will new gutters be needed? Are there many existing roof fixtures (air conditioning, vents, etc.). A very very rough starting point might be about $15,000.

Do you need to replace a 30 year composition roof in 12 years?

No not unless it is leaking. No leaks leave it alone. Replacing a roof is expensive. I replaced mine a few months ago and the cost came to 12,000.

How much wood is needed to replace the entire roof of a gazebo that is a shape of a right pyramid on top of a regular octagon?

The answer will depend on the height of the pyramid - or, equivalently, the pitch of the roof.

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How much does it cost to convert eichler flat roof to pitched roof?

High Treason!!

how much does roof coating cost?

Roof coating is very expensive. Depending on the brand you buy, it can cost anywhere from $100 to $200.

How much does it cost to re roof a house?

Huge # of variables on thisWhere you live and the code the roof must adhere to, Miami must survive hurricane's, Where I live the code deals with Ice dams and snow load.Whats wrong, 1100 square foot house strip and re-shingle where I live was $3000 to $4000 last summerHips and valleys cost moreRepairs and upgrades cost a bunch, does it need sheeting? (new plywood)

How much does it cost of shingles on 10 x 20 roof?

A roof that is 10 x 20 has an area of 200 square feet. The cost to have this size roof shingled is approximately 1,800.00.

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Uh, do you mean how much does it cost to insulate a Belgian roof? Or is there some special insulation that comes with Strawberries and Whipped Cream? Furthermore, what kind of insulation?

How much does it cost to replace a roof on a 1200 sq ft townhouse?

it depends the constructor who fix the roof for a townhouse.

What is the Average cost metal roof?

On average, metal roofing costs tend to be about three times the cost of conventional asphalt roofs. The total installed cost could vary from $125 to $1100 per square.

Why does a Stevenson screen have two roof layers with an air space in between?

the roof is double layered with provition for ventilation of the space between the 2 layers

How many layers of roof shingles can go on a house?

Just 2 layers I recommend, because if you add an additional layer the roof will get damage and collapsed.

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How much does it cost to replace a shingled roof with a contractor?

$4,000 to $8,000 depending on contractor, size of roof, and price of shingles.