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That depends what the tax rate is.

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Q: How much would 14.99 plus tax be in California?
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Nowadays we would consider that the correct conversion of 1499 into Roman numerals to be MCDXCIX but then there is historical evidence to show that the ancient Romans would have worked out the equivalent of 1499 on an abacus calculating device as MCCCCLXXXXVIIII and then logically abridged it to IMD in written format thus facilitating the speed and ease of the required calculations as follows:-MDCCLXXVI+IMD = MMMCCLXXV => 1776+(1500-1) = 3275MDCCLXXVI-IMD = CCLXXVII => 1776-(1500-1) = 277Note that in arithmetic -(1500-1) becomes 1-1500QED

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That depends on the rate of tax.

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