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Q: How must an operator measure the length of their boat?
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How must an operator measure the length of his vessel?

From the outside of the bow to the outside of the stern

What factors determines the equipment a boat must carry?

Length of a boat determines the equipment a boat must carry.

What unit of measure would you use to measure the length of a boat?

The length of a rowing boat may only be 6 feet. A large yacht may have a length of 100 feet. Of the two units of length given, then yards is more appropriate. In practice, the length of a boat is given in feet or metres.

Under federal and state law boats must carry certain equipment to determine the types of equipment your boat must carry you need to make a measurement of the boat What is this measurement?

A boat's length overall dictates the equipment the boat must have to comply with federal and state laws.

To determine the types of equipment your boat must carry you need to make a measurement. What is the measurement?

The length of the boat.

What must a boat operator do when a law enforcement vessel approaches with a blue flashing light?

Stop or Give way

The US Coast Guard requires certain equipment be carried onboard a vessel based on the vessel's length How must an operator measure the length of their vessel?

From the outside of the bow to the outside of the stern

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Under federal and state law boats must carry certain equipment. To determine the types of equipment your boat must carry you need to make a measurement of the boat. What is this measurement?

A boat's length overall dictates the equipment the boat must have to comply with federal and state laws.

What must a boat less than 12 meter in length have aboard?

Sound signaling device

What sound signal tells a river lock attendant that you wish to through the lock?

A boat operator is involved in an accident in which a person is injured and requires hospitalization. How quickly must the operator file a boating accident report?

When must the operator of a sailboat give way to a recreational power-driven vessel?

when the power-driven vessel is towing another boat and has difficulty maneuvering