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Over 7,000 children are injured or killed due to ONLY gun violence.

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Q: How often are children murdered?
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Related questions

What did concentration camps do to children?

In concentration camps, since men and women were separated, young children were put in the women's section. However, if the concentration camps were also extermination camps, the children were often murdered upon arrival.

Did any pony get murdered on My Little Pony?

Nopony was murdered so far. It is a children's show.

How were the German Jews treated after the Nazis came into power?

Rounded up, put in concentration camps, tortured, starved, murdered. When they were young, Jewish children would often find out that the children of Christian children, who used to be there friends, would turn against them and ignore them.

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How many children have been murdered in the US?

That's terrible! Why would you ask that? A lot of children have been murdered in the U.S., though.Out of 100,000, about 1.8 children under 14 is murdered. From 14-17 years old, the number ascends to 6.4 per. 100,000.Source: FBI

Were women and children killed in the siege of drogheda to?

thier were around 3000 men wenan and children murdered.

What year were the Birman children murdered in piqua Ohio?

August 1991

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Who is a saint to pray to when your child has been murdered?

There are no patron saints of parents with murdered children. However, there are patrons of parents separated from children. I am sure that either one would listen to your prayers.Jeanne de ChantalMarie of the Incarnation

Who was murdered in Auschwitz?

Primarily it was European Jews (men, women & children) that were murdered, although it is likely that a small percentage of those killed were non-Jews.

Can children be added to a proprietary lease?

YES! Exspecially if they were killed or murdered on the propperity!

How many Jewish children where murdered during the holocuast?

Nearly 1.5 million.