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Q: How often does the average person cough per hour?
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What is the average speed of your cough?

The average speed of a cough is around 50 miles per hour (80 kilometers per hour).

Can an average person eliminate 1 ounce of alcohol per hour?

No, the average person cannot eliminate 1 oz. of alcohol per hour from their system. The average person can eliminate 0.5 oz. of alcohol from their body per hour.

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How far can an average person walk in 1 hour?

3 miles per hour

How often does the average person use an elevator?

4 million times an hour unless... they are deaf then they use it 2.2 million times if they have herpes once an hour 4 million times an hour unless... they are deaf then they use it 2.2 million times if they have herpes once an hour

What is a by-hour?

A by-hour is an short period of time, often but not always of an hour's duration, which a person can spend in leisure activities.

How many miles per hour does an average walking person?

Average walking speed for an adult is around 4 miles per hour.

What is the average pay rate for a delivery person?

Nearly 12.50 an hour.

How much does the average flight attendants career pay?

Flight attendants are paid anywhere from about $20 per hour, up to $40 per hour or more. Quite often, the pay rates for these jobs are based on seniority, so the longer a person stays with the company, the higher their average hourly wage will be.

What is the average pay of any person per hour?

don't know get a job

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5 Million dollars an hour

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1 hour