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Q: How often is a 12 hour clock correct if its 1 second off?
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Related questions

How do you spell what time is it?

That is the correct spelling of "what time is it?" -- the answer will often use the hour name o'clock which is a contraction for of the clock, or by the clock.

How many times a day broken clock correct?

A broken clock is correct twice a day. This is because a clock with hands that are stuck will still display the correct time at least twice a day when the hour and minute hands align with the correct time.

A clock that gains 30 second every hour will gain how many minutes in a day?

A clock that gain 30 second every hour will gain how many minutes in a day?

Is a clock that is set five minutes fast is less precise than an identical clock that keeps correct time?

Precision is based on the cycle and not the time on the face. An hour is an hour no matter what the time is on the clock.

In general a clock that loses 1 second every hour is more accurate than clock that is a second slow but keeps consistent time?


In general a clock that loses 1 second every hour is more accurate than clock that is 3 seconds slow but keeps consistent time?

Yes, a clock that loses 1 second every hour is more accurate because it consistently maintains the correct time; it would only be off by 24 seconds after a full day. The clock that is consistently 3 seconds slow would accumulate a larger error over time.

What number is opposite the second composite number on the 12 hour clock?


How many degrees does hour hand turn in one second?

The hour hand on a clock moves 1/120 of a degree in one second! Ninja=^.^=

What is the second hand on a clock called?

The second hand on a clock is called the "second hand" because it measures seconds as they pass, helping to indicate the precise time.

Which is the correct response Minute is to hour as second is to minute millisecond hour?


Why is the third hand on the clock called a second hand?

Because it points at the seconds? hours minutes seconds

What does it mean if you see the number 11 on the clock often?

Nothing of any significance. It is either during the eleventh hour or elevem minites past the hour on a digital clock. On an analogue clock it is visible at all times.