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Q: How old You can be employed for a certain number of hours?
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How many legal working hours for 13 year old?

There is no legal working hours for 13 year old. If you're 13 or under, you cannot legally be employed.

How old do you have to be employed as a child?


How old would you be if you lived million hours?

Just divide the number of hours by 24, to get days; then divide the result by 365, or by 365.2422, to get the number of years.

How old do you have to be employed at US Cellular?

You must be at least 18 years old to be employed at US Cellular.

Is there a limit to the number of hours a 16 year old can work in Alabama?

There is no limit on the number of hours a 16 year old can work in Alabama or any other state. If under 16 a child can work no more than 3 hours a day in Alabama.

Can a 14 year old work after school hours at woolworths?

well,it depends on the job ,its about if they let a '14' year old word at that job ,they might just let the 14 year old work certain days and curtain hours.

Can kids 14 years old get jobs?

Yes a 14 year old can get a jon but you have to have a workers permint and you only can get certain hours because your age.

Can a 15 year old work at Taco Bell in Indianapolis Indiana?

Yes, you can only work certain hours.

How old does a minor have to be to work in Georgia?

12 at the youngest, and only a certain amount of hours for those 16 and under.

How do you calculate seconds in years?

Do it very slowly!! :) Alternantly you could multiply the number of seconds in a minute by the number of minutes in an hour by the number of hours in a day by the number of hours in a year. Or ask an 8 year old.

How much can you sue for if an employer asks your age?

u cant because they have the right to so they can tell if ur old enough to buy illegals. The age is only an issue if, as in the UK there is a law in place to combat age discrimination. An employer can ask ages of people to ensure they are legally entitled to be employed, use specific types of machinery, work certain hours, sell or in the case of procurement buy certain products.

Can a 16 year old become self employed?

Are you kidding? I was self employed at age 14, mowing lawns.