You are 7 years old
I'm 82 years of age.!!!!
If you were born on 18 June 2003 until today Feb 19 2010 you are 2438 days old.
7 years by 2010
8 Yr old were born in 2003 in a hospital
You are 7 years old
The answer is 8 years old 2003-2012 or 2011
I'm 82 years of age.!!!!
If you were born in 2003, you would be 17 years old in 2020. This calculation is based on subtracting the birth year (2003) from the current year (2020).
As of October 2011, someone born in May 2003 would be 8 years old.
7-8 years old.
You will be 23 in 2013. How old I am is none of your business.
2006 i believe around 2003 to 2006... im not sure
If you were born in 1991 you will turn 19 in 2010.
If you were born on 18 June 2003 until today Feb 19 2010 you are 2438 days old.