If you were born in 1996 today or before today, March 15th, you are 14 years old. If you were born in 1996 after March 15th, you are 13 and will turn 14 this year.
If you have had your birthday anniversary this year then age = Current Year - 1996. If not, then age = Current Year - 1996 - 1.
People turning 21 in 2017 were born in 1996
As of 2010, the age would be 14 years old. (2010 minus 1996 = 14).
then your 14 years old (year 2009) because in 2009 you must be 14 & 2010 15 and in this year 16. i born in 1996 im 16 years old in this year...!!
You will be 16 years old on your birthday.
Depends what year you were born.
If you were born in 1996 today or before today, March 15th, you are 14 years old. If you were born in 1996 after March 15th, you are 13 and will turn 14 this year.
If you have had your birthday anniversary this year then age = Current Year - 1996. If not, then age = Current Year - 1996 - 1.
Depends on which state or country. Being born in the year 1996 doesn't make a difference.
You are 13 this year (2009) you are 16 this year (2012)
you will be 14 years old from 2010 not 2008.
she was born feb 7 1996 and 14 year old now