2015 − 1948 = 67 Therefore, on the 23rd June 2015, you will be 67 years old.
As of 23 Mar 2010 you are 53 years old
As of today, July 23, 2012 you would be 44 years old.
Today being January 23, 2010 this answer will change tomorrow. But if you are 16 years old on this day, your birthday could have been any day between January 24, 1994 to January 23, 1995.
Anita Pointer was born on January 23, 1948.
Anita Pointer was born on January 23, 1948.
Anita Pointer is 63 years old (birthdate: January 23, 1948).
Ann Sachs was born on January 23, 1948, in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
Dennis Sakamoto was born on January 23, 1948, in Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Born on the 22 or 23 of January and is 23 years old.
2015 − 1948 = 67 Therefore, on the 23rd June 2015, you will be 67 years old.
Glenn Wheatley was born on January 23, 1948, in Australia.
er... 23?
Pavel Grachev was 64 years old when he died on September 23, 2012. (birthdate: January 1, 1948).
Memory Lane - 1947 1948-01-23 was released on: USA: 23 January 1948
Memory Lane - 1947 - 1948-01-23 was released on: USA: 23 January 1948