As of 2009, 17 years old
17 years old i believe
You would be 17 years old.
you would turn 17
She was born February 17, 1992.
his name is Taylor not toylor. he is 17 years old. he was born on february 11, 1992.
Mr. Taylor LAUTNER was born February 11 1992 , he is 17 years old.
if you were born in 1992 you are 17 years old.
She is born on February 20, 1992. So now she is 17 turning to 18.
Taylor Lautner is 17. He was born on February 11, 1992.
He is now 17 years old. He was born February 11, 1992.
it is 2009, and he is 17 now. his birthday is sometime in February, i think. improvment: taylor was born on february 11th, 1992
February 17, 1992 and is now 17
If your birthday is from 1 January to 26 February (today) then you are 18. If your birthday is from 27 February to 31 December then you are still 17.
Leonard Valencia was born on February 17, 1992.
Taylor Launter is 22 years old (birthdate: February 11, 1992).