If your birthday is from 1 January to 26 February (today) then you are 18.
If your birthday is from 27 February to 31 December then you are still 17.
If you were born December 16th, 1992, you should be 18 years of age.
21 if you have had your birthday this year. If not, 20.
you will be 19 in the year 2011
R&B singer Myles Parrish is 25 years old (born October 1, 1992).
if you were born in 1992 you are 17 years old.
How old would you be if you were born on August 15 1992
Neil R. Barrett was born on 1992-07-27.
If you were born in 1992, you will turn 18 in 2010.
19 years old.(this is how old Miley Cyrus is because she was born is 1992 and its 2011)
the answer is 18
If you were born in 1992, you would be (turning) 23 years old in 2015.
2013 - 1992 = 21 years
you are 17 years old if you are born in 1992
As of 2009, 17 years old