Age Now = Year Now - Year of Birth (if the person has had their birthday this year, and one less if they have not).
will be 27 in may 23rd 2010
It depends, if you want to know how old you are in 2010 then you are 34 years old.
Today, the 23rd of February 2013, a person born in May 1969 would be 43. They will be 44 on their birthday in May 2013.
Depending on the date you may be either 32 or 33. If your birthday has not passed this year then your are 32, if it has then you are 33.
2024 - 1976 = 48 years of age.
will be 27 in may 23rd 2010
14, he was born on the 23rd May 1999
Darius McCrary is 41 years old (birthdate: May 1, 1976).
Sam was born June 10th 2006 (7), Thomas was born May 23rd 2008 (4).
It depends, if you want to know how old you are in 2010 then you are 34 years old.
L S Lowry was 88 when he died on 23rd February 1976.
Keith, as for May 7,2011 is 35 years old. Born in 1976. :)
Sam was born June 10th 2006 (7), Thomas was born May 23rd 2008 (4).
Today, the 23rd of February 2013, a person born in May 1969 would be 43. They will be 44 on their birthday in May 2013.
Leehom Wang is 35 years old (birthdate: May 17, 1976).
Queen Victoria was born on May 24th 1819, so from January 1st to May 23rd she was 27 years old, from 24th May onwards she was 28 years old.
Paul Collingwood is 34 years old. He was born on May 26, 1976.