As of today (March 25, 2010) a person born on May 22nd 1983 is officially 26 years old.
If the date today is the June 23, 2011 you are 28 years old. so your welcome!
You turn 30 on your birthday in 2013 .
Someone born July 11, 1983 would have been 30 on his birthday in 2013, and 35 on his birthday in 2018.
If you were born in 1983, how old would you be?If you were born in 1983, you would be 27. To get that answer, you would do 2010-1983.
As of today (March 25, 2010) a person born on May 22nd 1983 is officially 26 years old.
Someone born in 1983 would be 27 years old in 2010.
If you were born on May 25, 1983 and today is 2nd January, 2010 you are 26 years and 195 days old. you would be 27 years and 222 days
A person born in October 1983 would be 25 years old.
Saying you were born on august 1, 1983. You would be 26 years and 8 months old.
If the date today is the June 23, 2011 you are 28 years old. so your welcome!
27 Years Old
As of September 2011, someone born in July 1983 would be 28 years old.
You are 27 years old. I found this answer by sutracting 2010-1983=27.
you would be 27