Age Now = Year Now - Year of Birth (if the person has had their birthday this year, and one less if they have not).
January 15, 1929, was a Tuesday.
As of January 2012, someone born on July 15, 1960 will be 51 years old.
you are 15 (in 2009) in 2010 you will be 16 do the math 2009 - 1994 = 15
15? Its august 2009, it means u wud be 15... perhaps
2012 - 1996 = 16 years old (since Jan 15, 2012 has already past)
Martin Luther King Junior was born on January 15, 1929.
Martin Luther King Jr was born on January 15, 1929
He was born on January 15, 1929
Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929. He was born at the family home in Atlanta, Georgia.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 and died on April 4, 1968.
Martin Luther King was born on January 15, 1929
Martin Luther King Jr. was born on January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia.
January 15, 1929
Dr. King lived from January 15, 1929 till April 4, 1968.
January 15, 1929, was a Tuesday.
Date of birth: January 15, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia
January 15, 1929