As of January 2012, someone born on July 15, 1960 will be 51 years old.
They would be 15 years old.
A person turning 53 in 2013 was born in 1960.
On that day, he's zero. He turns 76 on July 15, 2013 .
I was not born on 17 July 1992. So, in terms of predicate logic, any number will do for an answer. As of 27 March 2012, a person born on 17 July 1992 would be 7193 days old.
49 It would depend when their birthday was.
Jafar Panahi is 54 years old. He was born on 11 July 1960 in Mianeh, Iran.
As of September 2011, someone born in July 1983 would be 28 years old.
They would be 15 years old.
According to Wikipedia: "Jon Landau [was] (born July 23, 1960)."
A person turning 53 in 2013 was born in 1960.
On that day, he's zero. He turns 76 on July 15, 2013 .
I was not born on 17 July 1992. So, in terms of predicate logic, any number will do for an answer. As of 27 March 2012, a person born on 17 July 1992 would be 7193 days old.
If today is 9/18/2009, they are currently 56 years old.
Lisa Lampanelli is 55 years old (birthdate: July 19, 1961).