The answer is constantly changing. As of August 1, 2016: if you were born on or before August 1, 1969, you are 47. If you were born after August 1, you are still only 46.
Adjust accordingly as time progresses.
The exact date and year of his birth is not known.The exact date and year of his birth is not known.The exact date and year of his birth is not known.The exact date and year of his birth is not known.
If you were born in 1985, and the current year is 2022, then you would be 37 years old.
Assuming the current date of March 2012, you would be 43 years old.
6 or 7 depending on your birth date
In 2010 on the date of your birth, your remains, if any, would turn 174 years old.
His birth date is July 27, 1969. when he was born
Dave Batista is 40 years old. His date of birth is 18/01/1969
July 27, 1969
February 11, 1969
He was born on October 10, 1969.
Narendra Murkumbi was born in 1969
Ryan Shamrock is 42 years old (birthdate: May 4, 1969).
Shane Warne was born on September 13, 1969
jenifer Lopez was born July 24, 1969
Around 3,000 years old. No exact birth date for the city of Greece.
December 4, 1969 Brooklyn, New York