As of November 2011, someone born on May 4, 1993 will be 18 years old.
18 years old in 2011 (After Birthday)
You would be 18 on 24th June 2011.
During the year 2011 (Jan 1st - Dec 31st) anyone born in 1993 will turn 18.
Depending on your month or day, 17 or 18 years old because it is 2011.
18 years old on 19th December 2011.
As of October 2011, someone born in March 1993 would be 18 years old.
As of November 2011, someone born on May 4, 1993 will be 18 years old.
18 years old in 2011 (After Birthday)
You would be 18 on 24th June 2011.
18, she was born may 13, 1993
As of 2011, Victoria Justice is 18 years old. She was born in 1993.
18 years old as of (2011). He was born in April of 1993
i think she is 19 or something like that! she was born in 1993.
During the year 2011 (Jan 1st - Dec 31st) anyone born in 1993 will turn 18.
Depending on your month or day, 17 or 18 years old because it is 2011.
she was born on feburary 19, 1993. in 2011, she is 18 years old ;D