17 years old
16 years old
As of November 2011, someone born on May 4, 1993 will be 18 years old.
It will be 2010-1993. So you would be 17 years old if you were born in 1993.
As of 2010, you will be 17 years old. (2010 minus 1993 = 17).
Reno's Old Time Music Festival - 1993 was released on: USA: 1993
Getting By - 1993 Old Car 2-4 was released on: USA: 12 October 1993
Old Bear Stories - 1993 is rated/received certificates of: UK:Uc
16 years old, founded in 1993
Old Flames was created in 1993.
She is 3 years old.
17 years old
i was born in 1993 1993 or 1994
If you were born in 1993 you will turn 83 in 2076.